
Please read the conditions before booking. Remember that the Albergue is exclusively for pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago with a Pilgrim's credential

Dormitory with AC

Dorm with AC, 3 bunk beds and shared bathroom.

 €20 per person with breakfast*


Loft with 8 single beds and 2 double beds and shared bathroom.

 €20 per person with breakfast*

Quadruple room
with private bathroom and AC

4 Persons: 100€ with breakfast*
3 Persons: 85€ with breakfast*
2 Persons: 70€ with breakfast*


Non-refundable rate - Non-refundable bookings can be cancelled at any time. However, please note that a refund of the amount charged will not be possible.

Check-in: From 3:00pm until 7:00pm | Check-out: Until 09:00am

Breakfast: until 08:30am

Silence time: 9.30pm (From this time onward, silence is absolute and the lights are turned off)

Entrance gate and door closes at 8:00pm (no access to the Albergue after this time). 

Maximum stay of one night, except for special conditions, such as illness, or other to be presented and considered.

Washing machine & drying machine available from 3:00pm until 6:30pm

*Prices including VAT at the legal rate. Non-refundable rate in case of cancellation, date change, or no-show.